[WikiEN-l] Google thinks Wikipedia is a news source

Charles Matthews charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Sun Jun 7 16:39:35 UTC 2009

Thomas Dalton wrote:
> 2009/6/7 Fred Bauder <fredbaud at fairpoint.net>:
>>> Unfortunate but unsurprising. Not that long ago Google was telling
>>> traditional media that they should construct their articles in a more
>>> wikipedia like manner (ie continuously update a single article per
>>> event rather than creating a string of new articles).
>>> --
>>> geni
>> The New York Times does that with breaking news. It is a better practice
>> even if it is only a few reporters and editors that are involved.
> The BBC News website does too. I'm not a great fan of that approach,
> it makes it hard to find out what the new information is (they don't
> have "(diff)" links like Wikipedia, so you have to play a game of
> spot-the-difference manually).
Perhaps "happily overwrites totally while updating information" ought to 
be part of the definition of "news source", in new-media analysis. It 
does serve as a distinction, say BBC versus us.There's a bit more to it, 
of course.


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