[WikiEN-l] A modest proposal - a recap of resolution-l

Charles Matthews charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Tue Jul 28 09:49:28 UTC 2009

stevertigo wrote:
> I'm proposing that we start a resolution-l mailing list.
> Yes, I know we talked about it a month ago, to the tune of about 100
> posts, and it seemed that it wasn't going anywhere. But that was just
> appearances. The reality is that the support was substantial, the
> opposition was sub-articulate, and whatever substantive criticism
> there was was largely based in some assumed misconceptions about its
> scope (Thomas).
Can you not do this thing of bad-mouthing people who disagree with you? 
(See your attitude to Cary Bass.) I seem to remember a thread with a 
very different feel. You had some support from Fred Bauder, who likes 
the idea of discussing dispute resolution. You had very definite 
opposition from me. You can call me sub-articulate all you like, but I 
don't think it will stick.
> Anyway, we were talking about an open list for discussing dispute
> resolution. Its scope will be broad, and its purpose will be to be
> helpful. It will discuss particular disputes in general, conceptual,
> and editorial terms, and facilitate immediate on-wiki dispute
> resolution processes. It will also discuss dispute resolution concepts
> in general, wherever that goes.
And my point is that your broad brush means the second sentence would 
self-contradict, in a welter of meddling and advocacy. If that's the 
intended remit (everything up to and including the kitchen sink) then 
there was no misunderstanding at all about the scope.


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