[WikiEN-l] Watch out Wikipedia, here comes Britannica 2.0

Charles Matthews charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Sat Jan 31 11:05:08 UTC 2009

Durova wrote:
> Their main advantage in the current market is that their content is vetted.
> Question is whether they can afford the staff to keep up with submissions,
> and whether that value added is worth the price they charge for it.  The
> market seems to be saying no.  And if they walk away from that strategy what
> other working model is there?
Actually I don't know that the question is rhetorical.  There is the 
hidden assumption: EB is the universal encyclopedia (for 
English-language readers).  There must be ways of running a reference 
website for money that drop the comprehensiveness and timeliness (WP's 
major strengths) as the central ambitions.


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