[WikiEN-l] Watch out Wikipedia, here comes Britannica 2.0

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Thu Jan 29 18:42:29 UTC 2009

the wub wrote:
> Also fom the article:
> "He said the encyclopedia had set a benchmark of a 20-minute
> turnaround to update the site with user-submitted edits to existing
> articles"
> That'll probably be faster than us once flagged revisions is switched
> on (compare with the German expeiment, where backlogs are up to 3
> weeks) which should make for an interesting role reversal.
So what if it takes 3 weeks? So what if there are backlogs? Even 
accepting the premise that EB can maintain such a breakneck speed, 
whoever defined this as a race to do things more quickly?


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