[WikiEN-l] Journal of Biblical Literature is also requiringaWikipedia entry

brewhaha%40edmc.net brewhaha at edmc.net
Mon Jan 26 02:11:19 UTC 2009

It does not specify which part is fabricated. Even if the whole idea that 
wikification could be made compulsory for publication in the JBL is a 
fabrication, it is still a recommendation from one author. wikiquote and 
wikisophia seem to be the most appropriate venues.

"Scientia Potentia est" <bibliomaniac_15 at yahoo.com> wrote in message 
news:557396.66605.qm at web62507.mail.re1.yahoo.com...
> Read the blogpost more carefully.
> --- On Thu, 1/15/09, brewhaha%40edmc.net <brewhaha at edmc.net> wrote:
> From: brewhaha%40edmc.net <brewhaha at edmc.net>
> Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Journal of Biblical Literature is also requiring 
> aWikipedia entry
> To: wikien-l at lists.wikimedia.org
> Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 9:53 PM
> I do not think the encyclopedia is the best way to promote literature of
> this kind. The web? Sure. Everybody on the internet has publishing 
> capacity
> on the web. The encyclopedia is for facts that are really not open to
> dispute. wikisources or wikimedia commons seem like more appropriate 
> venues
> if not a USENET newsgroup, like alt.religion.*
> "David Gerard" <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:fbad4e140901020504w67cf6cf9p76f59248b3cbe31a at mail.gmail.com...
> http://ancienthebrewpoetry.typepad.com/ancient_hebrew_poetry/2009/01/new-guidelines-for-jbl-contributors-publish-in-wikipedia-or-perish.html
>> Similar journals are apparently likely to do the same.
>> So. When will this become standard?
>> - d.
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