[WikiEN-l] Interesting article on restored copyrights in US works between...

WJhonson at aol.com WJhonson at aol.com
Fri Jan 16 19:20:19 UTC 2009

>>In a message dated 1/16/2009 4:27:00 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
carcharothwp at googlemail.com writes:

The  usual solution to that is to point to the museum/library/archive
image as a  way to verify the self-created image (similar to how people
point to Google  Books now to verify books they are using as
references). But what if there  is no museum/library/archive image?>>
"Point to" versus "take".  Two separate things.
I'm not disputing the right to link to an image on bible.org.  I'm  disputing 
the right to take that image and post it to flicker.com
And "what if there is no museum image" only means that we are in the same  
position as "what if we have no free image of Britney Spears eating a hot dog  
for our hot dog page??".  I.E. we're not worse off than we've been for five  
thousand years.
The mere fact that an image now exists, doesn't mean we get the right to do  
whatever we want with it.
And the mere fact that no image exists, doesn't mean we get the right to do  
whatever it takes to get one.
We still are ethically bound to follow standard protocol, and not rock the  
image boat.
If we adhere to the idea that any scan of a PD item is a voluntary act to  
freely distribute such scan to the world for any purpose than the end result is  
that the massive scanners will simply stop scanning and we won't have 
anything  free, limited, for pay, or what.
Shooting yourself in the foot to prove that you can isn't a useful  tactic.
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