[WikiEN-l] Journal of Biblical Literature is also requiring aWikipedia entry

brewhaha%40edmc.net brewhaha at edmc.net
Fri Jan 16 05:53:01 UTC 2009

I do not think the encyclopedia is the best way to promote literature of 
this kind. The web? Sure. Everybody on the internet has publishing capacity 
on the web. The encyclopedia is for facts that are really not open to 
dispute. wikisources or wikimedia commons seem like more appropriate venues 
if not a USENET newsgroup, like alt.religion.*

"David Gerard" <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:fbad4e140901020504w67cf6cf9p76f59248b3cbe31a at mail.gmail.com...
> http://ancienthebrewpoetry.typepad.com/ancient_hebrew_poetry/2009/01/new-guidelines-for-jbl-contributors-publish-in-wikipedia-or-perish.html
> Similar journals are apparently likely to do the same.
> So. When will this become standard?
> - d.
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