[WikiEN-l] Interesting article on restored copyrights in US works between...

geni geniice at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 05:07:05 UTC 2009

2009/1/16  <WJhonson at aol.com>:
> We have always had the problem of how to access pd documents that might be
> sitting in some repository like for example the US Federal Census.
> Until ancestry and genealogy, starting scanning them in, you had to *go* to
> a Federal Archives (or similar repository) and sit *there* and view them
> during  their hours and under their control.
> Now that net sites have begun uploading those documents so we can  conviently
> view them, you want to steal them.

Ah no. I want Americans to exercise the legal ability they have to use
certain material in certain ways. If that cases companies issues then
under the principles of capitalism that isn't my problem unless I own
shares in them.

>That's not very nice.
1)Copyright law isn't nice
2)Compared to most of the other bits the relevant area isn't very nasty.


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