[WikiEN-l] Jeremy Hanson

Al Tally majorly.wiki at googlemail.com
Fri Jan 16 04:55:54 UTC 2009

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 4:47 AM, brewhaha%40edmc.net <brewhaha at edmc.net>wrote:

> Do we not yet hav a policy regarding open proxies (relays)? I would think
> that anonymizer.com and anything like it is blocked indefinitely. hotmail
> and gmail blocked anonymizer.com. Why should we not? As a jeneral rule,
> open
> relays for e-mail are listed and blocked, so as a jeneral rule, mail relays
> only serve congestion physics and paying users.

Yes, we do have a rule. We also have a rule against vandalism. Hanson does
not care for rules. Anonymizer.com is just one proxy. There are thousands of
proxies. He also edits through a normal ISP. We can't range block that; it
would be impractical.


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