[WikiEN-l] Announcing "Epistemia", a new wiki encyclopedia

KillerChihuahua puppy at KillerChihuahua.com
Fri Jan 16 04:11:32 UTC 2009

Thomas Dalton wrote:
> 2009/1/16 Alvaro García <alvareo at gmail.com>:
>> There is no widespread support. There are some people to which you can
>> say something they don't agree with and back the argument up by saying
>> it's on Wikipedia, and they will say "Anyone can edit Wikipedia".
> Have you looked at the donation statistics? And the page view
> statistics? Plenty of people complain about Wikipedia, but far more
> people use it and support it on a regular basis.
I have to agree with Thomas. Its the #4 site. Not the #4 information 
site. #4, overall. I'm guessing that people are using it; call me crazy 
but I think a few people are actually looking things up here.

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