[WikiEN-l] Speedy deletion

geni geniice at gmail.com
Thu Jan 1 20:15:49 UTC 2009

2008/12/31 Charlotte Webb <charlottethewebb at gmail.com>:
> If this is truly the root of all urgency we should turn on flaggedrevs.

Try and keep up with marking new pages as patrolled for say half an hour.

> In the beginning we would want Google to index only an article's last
> stable version (if one exists).
> After a certain grace period (to keep known-good content from
> vanishing), we can begin instructing Google to stop indexing articles
> which have no flagged rev and to de-index existing unflagged revs.

There is no way to do this.

> Some users like to nuke every {{third-world-topic-stub}} from
> geostationary orbit because it is like a video game to them. Faster
> pussycat, kill, kill, and let no mayfly die of natural causes.

Not so much. Since it is generally fairly easy to argue for the
significance of many unwritten third world articles.

> Perhaps some of this energy can be channeled toward other tasks.

Experience suggests not.


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