[WikiEN-l] Biography of Living persons

toddmallen at gmail.com toddmallen at gmail.com
Thu Jan 1 01:30:00 UTC 2009

I think you may misunderstand. I don't see Wikipedia, written properly, to be at odds with an individual. Our articles should be neutral in tone and composed of only facts already published in sources available to the public. Provided we do that properly, and stick to those requirements, we're fine on any BLP you've got. 
	No individual has a right to suppress informtion because (s)he simply dislikes it. Sometimes, the truth hurts. But in the end a lie, whether of omission or commission, is worse.
	I have no problem enforcing our content policies strictly and immediately to BLPs. No one wants another issue like Siegenthaler. But the Siegenthaler incident was due to false, unverifiable information. What we're talking now is suppressing true, publicly verifiable information. That's different, and that's unacceptable.

-----Original Message-----

From:  "Ian Woollard" <ian.woollard at gmail.com>
Subj:  Re: [WikiEN-l] Biography of Living persons
Date:  Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:49 pm
Size:  1K
To:  "English Wikipedia" <wikien-l at lists.wikimedia.org>

On 31/12/2008, toddmallen at gmail.com <toddmallen at gmail.com> wrote:
> NPOV is not just a rule. It's what allows us to have a project at all. It is
> not "right" to violate NPOV because reality hurts someone's feelings.
> Reality frequently is painful. It's neither possible nor our job to change
> that.
> 	It's our job to make a neutral, factual, verifiable reference work. Not to
> impose our notions of right and wrong.

That is A definition of right and wrong, you're saying that the
wikipedia is more important than individuals. You're valuing the
wikipedia more than them. That's your right. But it's also his right
to value individuals above the wikipedia.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:  Ken Arromdee <arromdee at rahul.net>
> Subj:  Re: [WikiEN-l] Biography of Living persons
> Date:  Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:13 pm
> Size:  509 bytes
> To:  English Wikipedia <wikien-l at lists.wikimedia.org>
> On Wed, 31 Dec 2008 toddmallen at gmail.com wrote:
>> 	I've even been told, by someone who should know better, that BLP is
>>       more important than NPOV, and saw not a bit of outrage.
> NPOV is a rule.  BLP is about doing what's right.
> Some people elevate rules over doing what's right.  I'm not one of them.

-Ian Woollard

We live in an imperfectly imperfect world. Life in a perfectly
imperfect world would be much better.

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