[WikiEN-l] Knol goes from a Wikipedia rival to a Craigslist imitator

WJhonson at aol.com WJhonson at aol.com
Fri Aug 28 20:27:56 UTC 2009

Evidently I am now a media darling


The oddest part of this entire experience (other than the fact that it shot 
me up to over 1,000 views a day), is how much of this "news" is either 
simple reposting of titles with link, or bloggers copying each other in a sort 
of feeding frenzy.

I've never personally become involved in the blogging world.  I would think 
that a person would want original content, not merely be blogger number 87 
on the list of people blogging about the really important news like me 
selling a pair of speakers ;)

I'm world famous!  I get more views than President.... uh... Harding... or 
something.  Ok maybe Zachary Taylor, at any rate I'm famous!

Maybe I'll write a knol about it.  Sort of keep the cycle churning.  How do 
you do that exactly?  I've never figured out completely how to be a media 
whore, but I'm willing to learn.  Any whores want to teach me tricks?

Will "Media Whore Wannabe" Johnson

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