[WikiEN-l] "Wikipedia approaches its limits" - Technology Guardian

Ian Woollard ian.woollard at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 05:55:01 UTC 2009

On 19/08/2009, Steve Bennett <stevagewp at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 3:04 AM, David Gerard<dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
>> It can be problematic. I frequently edit as an IP when I'm at another
>> machine and can't be bothered logging in. The unexplained reversion
>> rate is *much* higher than when I edit logged-in, even though the
>> edits are exactly the same sort of thing.
> Ah, yes. This was an obvious test I should have thought of.
> One of my pet hates: when an IP changes a figure in in infobox or
> somewhere in article, with no comment, and no source. I've heard
> reports of people doing this as sport, just to be annoying, but in my
> experience, they're often right. But it leaves you in a real quandary,
> if you can't verify it either way.

I normally revert those, unless you can verify it it's just an
unreferenced change. You can leave a message on their talk page though
asking for a ref. Same goes for logged-ins.

> Steve

-Ian Woollard

"All the world's a stage... but you'll grow out of it eventually."

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