[WikiEN-l] Civility poll results

FT2 ft2.wiki at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 09:57:16 UTC 2009

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 10:08 AM, Surreptitiousness <
surreptitious.wikipedian at googlemail.com> wrote:

> There was an article in The Guardian last week about risks and security
> policies.  The article pointed out that most people didn't respect
> security policy because of the limited risk associated with breaching
> it. The writer made the point that if companies wanted security
> procedures to be respected, they had to start firing people simply
> because they had shared passwords.  I think the same thing applies to
> our civility policy.  If we want it to be respected, we have to start
> blocking people if they refer to another user as a "cunt", no matter
> what the provocation. There has to be a line, and it has to be
> enforced.  The minute we allow "certain" people over the line, we allow
> everyone over it, because of the rod just made regarding impartiality. I
> don't care how good your contributions are, Wikipedia is also a
> community, and the lack of self control which means you can use such
> language implies you do not have the right social skills needed to
>  collaborate on creating wikipedia.



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