[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia:Paradoxes

Jay Litwyn brewhaha at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Mon Aug 10 06:35:03 UTC 2009

"Steve Bennett" <stevagewp at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:b8ceeef70908010746o42498809g41ad3c973fba9626 at mail.gmail.com...
> <moderator>
> Does this thread have anything to do with this list? Does anyone care 
> anymore?
> </moderator>

This list is about wikipedia and anything that goes into it or comes out of 
it. Hopefully, both of those things include sound logic, and if it verjez 
into Physics, then so be it -- better than having it verj into religion. 
IOW, it is unfortunate that gmane does not host the other fourty or eighty 
thousand newsgroups. I wonder if I could get http://news.individual.net 
(Berlin's Free University) to host gmane.
Pollytheism: The belief that God is a parrot. (Polly-Theism) 

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