[WikiEN-l] Online Newspapers Considering Subscription Model

WJhonson at aol.com WJhonson at aol.com
Mon Aug 10 05:19:28 UTC 2009

In a message dated 8/9/2009 9:59:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
saintonge at telus.net writes:

> Most of these 
> rare works will be in large cities where there will also be a 
> concentration of people available to verify the material.  For much of 
> our material the acceptance criterion validly remains verifiable rather 
> than verified.>>

Yes of course.  I would still like to see a valid example of a rare work 
cited where there is no scholarly edition available.  I'm skeptical that such 
a case exists.

As I said, we don't require verification of all things by all editors, and 
we don't want a situation where only a few editors can verify *a* thing.  
What we want is something in the middle, a bell curve of verification-ability. 
 But with both 10% ends chopped off.  Other encyclopedias do not cite to 
rare holdings, they will cite to a published edition of such a rare holding.

Will Johnson

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