[WikiEN-l] Online Newspapers Considering Subscription Model

Bod Notbod bodnotbod at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 23:44:58 UTC 2009

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:30 PM, <wjhonson at aol.com> wrote:

> That something is not yet available online, shouldn't be a factor in
> considering whether or not we should cite it.  Even the library of Bora
> Bora *could* (theoretically at least) request a copy of an item for
> you, provided you have the citation and the repository location (see
> worldcat.org).

I think that's somewhat naive.

I found a new article the other day and it was all about this guy who
was described as "the greatest child genius the world has ever seen".

There was a long list of verifications although not enough to cover
most of the points made in the article. I smelled a rat and stuck a
"hoax" banner on it. There was (IIRC) one editor. There were pictures.
The citations were all to books with no online click-thru. The whole
thing just smelled wrong. I wish I could remember the article now...

Just combed back through my last 500 contribs. Can't find it. If an
article had been deleted would it disappear from my contribs?

I guess what I'm saying is: it's quite easy to "make up" a book. But
perhaps I'm wrong in that. You mention "worldcat.org"... it's not
something I'm familiar with: is it your sense that worldcat.org is
comprehensive enough to rumble invented books?

And even if it is... could I not just choose an obscure book at random
and attribute a claim to it?

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