[WikiEN-l] In development--BLP task force

Bod Notbod bodnotbod at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 07:40:28 UTC 2009

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 4:20 AM, Emily Monroe<bluecaliocean at me.com> wrote:

> Humans tend to unconsciously focus on the negative.  This is something
> we do automatically. It probably makes sense in terms of evolutionary
> history. It's better to avoid fire than get burned. It's better to
> avoid water than to drown. In modern history, it gets you more
> attention from a medical laymen, and so you are more likely to get
> attention from a medical expert (via getting means of transportation,
> peer pressure, etc.). It increases the ability to survive, but not
> write Wikipedia articles.

{{citation needed}}

I could equally argue the opposite. I could argue that many Wikipedia
articles, especially BLPs are written by *fans* or supporters of the
person in question and that this may tend towards hagiography. But I
have no citations for my claim either.

The community also seems to have decided that criticism *sections* are
undesirable and that criticism should be spread throughout an article.
I agree with this as an ideal. But I think a criticism section is
quite useful in the earlier stages of an article's development simply
because, when an article is still being built, it is easier to
compartmentalise areas for ease of adding new facts. But, y'know, I
guess that argument's already been had at some stage, so I'm not about
to try and overthrow consensus.

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