[WikiEN-l] Citizendium vs. Wikipedia

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 14:46:23 UTC 2009

2009/4/22 doc <doc.wikipedia at ntlworld.com>:
> I'd say that "the reader question" is less pertinent for any start up
> than the "writer question".

I don't think the two questions can be separated. Without the feedback
between the two (readers becoming writers) you'll never get
exponential growth and without that you'll never reach a size where
you are useful.

I completely agree with you than new Wikipedia-like projects need to
be substantially different to Wikipedia if they are going to get
anywhere. However, achieving significant growth will still be a
requirement for any such project. You mention a project 1/100 the size
of Wikipedia. Citizendium is currently 1/250 the size of the English
Wikipedia and at its current growth rate it won't reach 1/100 the size
for another 3 years or so - I don't think the project will last that
long unless there are major changes. People will just get bored and
leave. At its current size, even if Citizendium was significantly more
reliable than Wikipedia, it still wouldn't be useful.

As for your "otherpedia" - I would like to think we can achieve
something like that within Wikipedia. An enhanced version of Featured
Articles, making use of FlaggedRevs and verified experts, could
achieve the same goals are your "otherpedia".

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