[WikiEN-l] BLPs: Wikipedia entry nearly scuppers rugby player's career

Marc Riddell michaeldavid86 at comcast.net
Tue Sep 30 21:30:01 UTC 2008

on 9/30/08 5:12 PM, Thomas Dalton at thomas.dalton at gmail.com wrote:

>> There is not such thing as an "exceptional alcoholic" - a person either is,
>> or they are not. It's like calling someone an "exceptional diabetic".
> I disagree. An alcoholic whose alcoholism has never resulted in
> anything notable happening would be unexceptional from the point of
> view of writing an article about one whereas someone that's been
> constantly in the headlines because of the alcoholism would be very
> exceptional.
You are wrong here, Thomas. You are confusing the medical/psychological
condition of alcoholism with the social pejorative use of some behaviors.

Marc Riddell

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