[WikiEN-l] arbcom elections

private musings thepmaccount at gmail.com
Thu Sep 25 05:59:10 UTC 2008

I asked a question here;

and here;

basically I think it's a good idea to confirm the voting system for our
arbcom elections, including how the election winners will be ascertained, in
nice good time :-)

Interestingly (to me!) - a question concerning the role of the Foundation /
The Board / Jimbo has come up, and I realise that I don't really know how
accurate my understanding that the Foundation aren't really involved is.
Further - User:UltraExact mentioned that s/he might have seen some analysis
on past elections done somewhere (or maybe discussion of exactly this kind!)
- so I thought I'd ask if anyone else has come across it, or could even link
to it :-)

I'll just myself quote from the wiki page above; "I'd assume (and propose,
and support) the straight forward election of 7 people to the vacant seats,
with seats 6 and 7 filling the recently resigned posts, and hence being up
for re-election sooner than their peers. By 'straight forward' I mean
'highest percentage of support' - and I really hope that this is
uncontroversial enough to get broad approval well ahead of time :-) "

I'd be very interested to hear thoughts and further discussion both here,
and 'on-wiki' :-)



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