[WikiEN-l] More POV-pushing nutters

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Sun Sep 7 12:54:44 UTC 2008


Wikipedia editors snooping email, invading privacy, making threats, etc.

We're keeping a very close eye on the discussion on the JIDF article
page. We have corresponded with some top notch Wikipedia people
"behind the scenes" who have advised us to not discuss anything via
email unless fully encrypted and secure, due to unethical and possibly
illegal activities of various Wikipedia editors. Seems like some of
them are extremely determined (through their own unreliable and
"original research") to discover everyone they think might be behind
the scenes at the JIDF and to try to "out" their identity, etc.

Many of us keep our private information private for good reasons.
There have been viable death threats from neo-nazi types as well as
Islamic jihadists. We have upset Hezbollah by taking out one of their
top recruitment and promotion areas on the web. We have upset quite a
few other people as well.

We coordinate with a legal team as well as various governmental
agencies, as needed. When there are death threats, we report them to
the proper authorities. If there is ever a breach in our computer
security, we fight back to the fullest extent of the law.

In other words, we take ALL threats seriously and we do not like the
direction in which some Wikipedia editors seem to be taking or threat
to be taking.

Which brings us to the former list of "officers" with regard to our
Facebook group. They were all honorary positions we gave to people
with whom we respect and appreciate. None of them are formerly
associated with this organization in any way, shape, or form.

For Wikipedia editors to make false assumptions with regard to who is
and who is not involved with the JIDF is wrong. We are a collective of
various people of different background, many of whom choose to remain
anonymous for the sake of the of our safety and that of our families.
The people most actively involved with the JIDF are not linked to us
in any obvious ways.

To make a long story short (if it's not too late) - many Wikipedia
editors are barking up the wrong tree. They should stick to the
reliable sources and please respect the privacy of people who might
just like what we are doing, but with whom have no formal ties with
this organization.

Wikipedia editors are not investigative journalists and they are not
going to get the "big scoop." They are supposed to be editing the
project with certain standards in mind. It's very disappointing (yet
not surprising) that some of them would stoop so low as to potentially
threat, harass, and/or possibly try to hack into our computer systems
in order to gain information about us.

Wikipedia is supposed to only rely upon cited and reliable sources. No
"original research" is acceptable. Not even in the discussion areas.
The fact that Wikipedia editors are taking it upon themselves to to go
into our Facebook group to obtain information about our friends,
families, fans, and supporters and the people with whom we also
respect and appreciate is absurd. The false assumptions, speculation
and "original research" currently being conducted by many Wikipedia
editors also seems to be outside Wikipedia's own rules.

We intend to to do everything in our power to defend and protect the
people and things which are important to us. When we are hit, we hit
back harder---with every resource at our disposal. We are fans and
supporters of disproportionate response.

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