[WikiEN-l] vocabulary

Jussi-Ville Heiskanen cimonavaro at gmail.com
Fri Sep 5 07:08:20 UTC 2008

Fred Bauder wrote:
>> 2008/9/4 Fred Bauder <fredbaud at fairpoint.net>:
>>> Amazingly we use the word "angel" for such people, see
>> I think "angel" implies something more than just giving money. I
>> interpret it as including advice, usually to someone just starting out
>> from someone with lots of experience. Also, when there is money
>> involved, they usually expect a return on their investment.
> Its original use was apparently in the British theatre. I've seen it used
> for those who fund political projects, for example, in referring to rock
> stars such as Bono. In the case of actual investors in startups, a advice
> component could certainly come into play. Financial return is not
> essential to the concept however.
> At any rate, I see no problem at all in calling our major financial
> supporters "angels" (Well, not really, obviously there is a religious
> connotation which might be inappropriate)
> Fred

This is wildly off topic, but I have also
heard the term "sugardaddy" used, (if
you must know, it was specifically used
in terms of early plans for commercial
spaceflight in the year 1990, that I recall)
alluding to Marily Monroe in Some Like
It Hot...


Jussi-Ville Heiskanen

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