No subject

Sat Oct 4 14:55:08 UTC 2008

"Wikipedia's founding belief is that everyone has one subject
(dropping the gearbox out of a Ford Ghia, the life and works of Morton
Harket of A-Ha, making wild-berry chutney), on which they are an
expert - and could, therefore, then contribute an entry on said
subject to Wikipedia. "

I've never considered this to be Wikipedia's founding belief.
Wikipedia culture is far more geared toward referencing than
expertise, and toward generalism rather than specificism. Expertise
can certainly mean that someone is more dexterous with concepts and
handling references relating to a subject, but knowing something in
your head is useless for Wikipedia unless you can point out where this
fact is written. Expertise is certainly welcome, but has never been an

I would say that Wikipedia's founding belief is closer to "you don't
need to be an expert to write about something, as long as you research
the subject and reference legitimate sources".

Oldak Quill (oldakquill at

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