[WikiEN-l] Slashdot article

WJhonson at aol.com WJhonson at aol.com
Thu Oct 30 22:44:10 UTC 2008

In a message dated 10/30/2008 3:33:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time,  
arromdee at rahul.net writes:

He was a  relatively minor figure, making a statement about
himself which was neither  overly promotional nor overly damaging.  Someone
in that situation is  far more likely to be real than fake.

And he was complaining about  something which, by our own rules, doesn't
require that the complaint comes  from the subject anyway.>>
And I already stated how I would have dealt with it, and you've already  
stated how you would have dealt with it.  It's time to move on I  think.

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