[WikiEN-l] WP articles citing other WP articles??

Bryan Derksen bryan.derksen at shaw.ca
Thu Oct 30 00:10:25 UTC 2008

----- Original Message -----
From: Alex Sawczynec <glasscobra15 at gmail.com>
> AFAIK, citing other Wikipedia articles in the form of episodes 
> of a show is actually quite common for TV show articles; for example, in 
> articles for Scrubs, a TV show popular in the States, character articles 
> often sources statements made by that character as simply <ref>[[Episode 
> name]], season 2, episode 17</ref>, or something similar. I don't really see 
> this as a negative thing, though; and certainly better than no citation at all.

In fact, in the vast majority of such cases the citation isn't actually intended to cite the article it's linked to, it's citing the episode _itself_ (as a primary source). The link to the Wikipedia article is merely included as a convenience, since you generally can't link directly to a television episode.

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