[WikiEN-l] Slashdot article

WJhonson at aol.com WJhonson at aol.com
Tue Oct 28 03:18:40 UTC 2008

In a message dated 10/27/2008 11:58:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time,  
snowspinner at gmail.com writes:

I'll  sidestep the specifics of Lanier beyond saying that the version  
of  the article he objected to was crap, and at least two of his   
objections were absolutely spot-on. I have not evaluated beyond  that,  
but certainly he was not wrong to  object.>>

I don't think anyone is saying he was wrong to object.
But as independent editors, we don't have a simple way to determine that:  A) 
he is the actual subject; and B) his word takes priority over cited  sources. 
 That's the real crux of the matter.
If that system is broken than we should be determing how to fix it.   For 
example, user verification would be one way.  Knol for example, allows  a person 
to verify their own name, cross-related to the phone directory.   So at the 
very least, you know that an author called "Sam Smith" actually  matches a "Sam 
Smith" in the phone book, at a certain phone number.  To  prevent people from 
just using any number in the book, it *calls* you, and gives  you a code that 
you have to then re-key into the system to verify that you are  in fact, the 
person who was called and are in fact, the person who is now typing  the 
response key. :)
There are still ways to beat that system, but it's better than  nothing.
So that, would be one way, to allow subjects to verify themselves, and then  
"fix" their own records with a certain level of priority.
Will Johnson
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