[WikiEN-l] Slashdot article

Ken Arromdee arromdee at rahul.net
Sun Oct 26 16:14:04 UTC 2008

On Sun, 26 Oct 2008, Todd Allen wrote:
> It is just beyond our means to determine if, firstly, the person
> claiming to be the subject really is, ...

This only make sense if we demanded that the source check to see that
he's really the subject.

In the majority of cases, this is not true.  The source isn't going to do
any identity checking.  Demanding that he get an error about himself
fixed in another source is just a hoop to force him to jump through.  The
idea that this source will do identity checking that we don't is just a legal

> Of course, if the subject is willing to post their
> side somewhere, such as on his or her own site...

So why don't we just let him fix the Wikipedia article, and consider the
Wikipedia correction to be the subject self-publishing the correction?

(Note that I'm not asking whether this violates policy, I'm asking what
good the policy does.)

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