[WikiEN-l] Andrew Keen continues to be teflon clueless

Steve Summit scs at eskimo.com
Wed Oct 22 17:11:35 UTC 2008

> "...The hungry and cold unemployed masses aren't
> going to continue giving away their intellectual labor on the Internet
> in the speculative hope that they might get some "back end" revenue."
> http://www.internetevolution.com/author.asp?section_id=556&doc_id=166342

Sheesh.  But of course that's *not* *why* people give away their
intellectual labor on the Internet, so the rest of his conclusions
are compoundingly false.

People give away their labor in this case because it makes them
feel good, and/or because of the non-monetary community rewards
surrounding the effort.  Neither of those changes materially as
the economy goes down (or up).

(I'd post this as a comment to his article, but their
registration procedure is waaay too complicated.  Screw 'em.)

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