[WikiEN-l] Jeff Merkey threatens to sue Wikipedia and Wikipedians

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 13:02:42 UTC 2008

2008/10/22 Daniel R. Tobias <dan at tobias.name>:
> It's right here in the BADSITE:
> http://wikipediareview.com/index.php?showtopic=20784
> Merkey says he's planning on suing the Wikimedia Foundation, the
> individual members of ArbCom, and possibly other admins or editors.

Did he say a couple of months ago on this list that he was already
doing so? He made similar threats repeatedly, I don't think anyone has
received a summons yet.

> He's claiming that he has some kind of agreement (with the
> Foundation? with Jimbo?  it's unclear) that prevents anybody
> connected with Wikipedia from banning him, so that his banning was a
> contractual violation; he also claims that banning him from Wikipedia
> was an act of stalking or harassment.
> Is there the slightest bit of truth to his claims of the existence of
> a "settlement agreement" between him and Wikimedia, or is this just
> entirely a pile of manure?

If memory serves, I asked Jimbo on this list to explicitly say it was
all nonsense and he did so. That's good enough for me. (That might
have been over a different matter, I'll check the archives.)

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