[WikiEN-l] Slashdot article

Ken Arromdee arromdee at rahul.net
Tue Oct 21 22:23:26 UTC 2008

Which refers to http://www.technologyreview.com/web/21558/page3/

Which in turn says some inaccurate things about Wikipedia, but also happens
to capture a BLP problem:

    Lanier's complaints when his Wikipedia page claimed that he was a
    film director couldn't be taken seriously by Wikipedia's "contributors"
    until Lanier persuaded the editors at Edge to print his article
    bemoaning the claim. This Edge article by Lanier was enough to convince
    the Wikipedians that the Wikipedia article about Lanier was
    incorrect--after all, there was a clickable link! Presumably the editors
    at Edge did their fact checking, so the wikiworld could now be corrected.

    As fate would have it, Lanier was subsequently criticized for engaging
    in the wikisin of editing his own wikientry. The same criticism was
    leveled against me when I corrected a number of obvious errors in my
    own Wikipedia entry.

The article itself doesn't consider this a big problem, but if this is
anything like true, we should.

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