[WikiEN-l] Today's silly straw poll

Charlotte Webb charlottethewebb at gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 15:14:29 UTC 2008

On 10/20/08, Nathan <nawrich at gmail.com> wrote:
> That is a strange straw poll. I would probably oppose it myself, since
> despite the infrequent furor there seems to be little need for it. The
> strange part is that a few people see no consensus, and so vote oppose (in
> the poll to determine consensus) even though they support the proposal. Does
> that strike anyone else as illogical?


This reminds me of some rather delusional RFA comments I've seen, to
the effect of "bureaucrat, if the percentage is close enough that I
alone would change the outcome, please count my vote as the opposite
of what I wrote".

(and just what kind of genetically engineered scottish sheep vote is that?)

People who want to take the winning side shouldn't play.
People who don't know what they want don't deserve it.
People who assume they are wrong because the majority says they are
wrong are... um... wrong.
People who are offended by this should get over themselves.


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