[WikiEN-l] "Citation needed" in popular culture

geni geniice at gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 03:59:17 UTC 2008

2008/10/21 David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com>:
> How long until there's an entry on [[Citation needed]]?
> http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/Anatomii-of-a-Hack.aspx
> - d.

A while. A good first step towards creating one would be to create a section in:


"...stickler editors patrol the site flagging unattributed facts with
the label "citation needed."


"Now some sourcing enthusiasts have liberated the "[citation needed]"
tag from its cyber origins."


(same incerdent)

"One of my favorite quirks about" Wikipedia, Mechtley writes on his
blog, Biphenyl (biphenyl.org/blog), "are the little [citation needed]
tags that users can place in an article, indicating that a dubious..."


There is also some stuff from the launch of  Veropedia that might be
possible to get in.

Not there yet but perhaps with a bit more digging something could be
put together.

What may be of interest is:


Surprising number of people appear to actually be clicking the link.


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