[WikiEN-l] Overlinking!!!

geni geniice at gmail.com
Mon Oct 20 19:45:15 UTC 2008

2008/10/20 Marc Riddell <michaeldavid86 at comcast.net>:
> Thanks for the tip, Oskar. The major point I have been trying to make for
> some time is: for now and especially the future, if you want really serious
> people, and really serious contributors, to take this Project really
> seriously, a great deal of work needs to be done on its consistency

Been done. Compare wikipedia to most other user cotrib sites on the
web. The level of consistency very high indeed. Partly because of the
shear number of bot edits.

> and
> stability.

No. Absolutely not. If people want stability they read EB1911. People
want articles to be up to date. The other things is that are articles
are actually for the most part pretty stable. Step away from the main
articles and you can go years only seeing bot edits.

>Right now it seems that the only "consensus" is that that there
> is none. And the amazing thing is that most people seem to find that OK! It
> needs to put down the pom-pons, stop with the "aren't we the greatest
> because we have a zillion Articles"

In terms of size Hoodong is getting rather close.

> and get serious about cleaning up its
> organizational act.

Certainly. Would that be the organisation that deletes a bunch of
articles that people want or the one that protects problematical uses
because they appear to be experts.

> In the larger scheme, the Project is still in its
> infancy. Even adolescence is still a far way off.

Which makes it rather odd that you want to see it's death.


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