[WikiEN-l] Today's silly straw poll

Oskar Sigvardsson oskarsigvardsson at gmail.com
Mon Oct 20 15:30:21 UTC 2008

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 5:13 PM, Nathan <nawrich at gmail.com> wrote:
> That is a strange straw poll. I would probably oppose it myself, since
> despite the infrequent furor there seems to be little need for it. The
> strange part is that a few people see no consensus, and so vote oppose (in
> the poll to determine consensus) even though they support the proposal. Does
> that strike anyone else as illogical?

No, I see that as a perfectly reasonable position. It's certainly
reasonable for people to think that it will be worse if this proposal
passes without consensus than if it doesn't pass at all. They're
saying "Look, I do support the proposal, but on wikipedia we work on
consensus, and there's clearly not a consensus to support it. We
should work together to find a solution that will be acceptable, so
that if this passes, it will have legitimacy with the larger wikipedia

I see nothing wrong with this position, it's all about respect for the
process and respect for the community.


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