[WikiEN-l] Linking Dates

nsk nsk at karastathis.org
Sat Oct 18 17:44:55 UTC 2008

Στις 18-10-2008, ημέρα Σαβ, και ώρα 16:24 +0000, ο/η
wikien-l-request at lists.wikimedia.org έγραψε:

> From: Marc Riddell <michaeldavid86 at comcast.net>
> Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Linking Dates
> Chaos can be a good thing; it means that change is happening. But
> organized
> chaos is better; it means that there is some form of rational planning
> involved.

Liang Thow Yick with his intelligent organisation theory in the
Organizing Around Intelligence book explains this idea very well.

NSK Nikolaos S. Karastathis, http://nsk.karastathis.org/

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