[WikiEN-l] Delinking years and only making links relevant to the context ...

nsk nsk at karastathis.org
Wed Oct 15 15:10:29 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-10-15 at 12:00 +0000, wikien-l-request at lists.wikimedia.org
> From: WJhonson at aol.com
> The '''[[September 11]], [[2001]] attacks''' were a series of
> coordinated....
> attacks.... upon the [[United States]].

I do not think we should link strong text which is usually shown bolded.
That's bad style because it makes some words from the title look like
different things, while in fact the whole title is one undivided entity,
and we should choose individual parts of it for linking

NSK Nikolaos S. Karastathis, http://nsk.karastathis.org/

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