[WikiEN-l] Cade Metz on Mantanmoreland & Short selling

WJhonson at aol.com WJhonson at aol.com
Thu Oct 9 02:37:19 UTC 2008

In a message dated 10/4/2008 10:47:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time,  
rory096 at gmail.com writes:

> Now  what?  Evidently he isn't insane or a crack-pot too much   anymore.

Nope, he  is.


This jpg doesn't strike me as insane or crack-pot.
Many authors have opined that WP is an instrument of mass  mind-control.  For 
that matter the NYT is as well.  No news  there.
The PS is just a bit of silly-talk.  Not a sign of insanity.
I knew insanity.  I grew up with insanity.  And you're no  insanity! (loose 
paraphrase for those who remember back 20 years)
Will Johnson

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