[WikiEN-l] Using Wikipedia unlikely to result in collapse of knowledge

Ken Arromdee arromdee at rahul.net
Wed Oct 8 13:08:47 UTC 2008

On Tue, 7 Oct 2008, Charlotte Webb wrote:
> > Well, and more to the point, that's flying into the face of trouble
> > given the zeal with which people like TTN are trying to scour fiction
> > articles and plot summaries from the project.
> Yes, I would have expected the immediate resumption of the same
> behavior that earned him a six-month topic ban to a text-book example
> of "exhausting the community's patience".

Spoiler warnings and fiction articles have one thing in common: It's much
easier to delete them than to add them.

This was the real reason that all the spoiler warnings were able to get
deleted... and it's also why complaining about the deletion of fiction
articles is going to be useless.  You made your bed; now lie in it.

(And by the way, I haven't been really following this.  I assume this fiction
article and plot summary controversy is the same as the episodes and characters
controversy from a little while ago?  I did notice that Tetsusaiga had been
removed, which is rather ironic.  One rule misuse cancelling out another.)

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