[WikiEN-l] spoiler warnings (was: Using Wikipedia unlikely to result in collapse of knowledge)

Steve Summit scs at eskimo.com
Tue Oct 7 22:32:03 UTC 2008

Phil wrote:
> They also organized articles around hiding spoilers. But more  
> importantly, spoiler warnings just looked stupid. In a fundamental  
> sense, they looked non-serious.

[I really, really don't want to beat this dead horse.  No matter
how much I agree with Ken that spoiler warnings should have
stayed, I also agree with you, Phil, that he should get over it.

Spoiler warnings looked non-serious TO SOME PEOPLE.  In a
fundamental sense, it was a POV issue.  Some of us (though,
obviously, not the majority) thought that (a) they looked
perfectly fine and (b) WP:NOT a stodgy traditional encyclopedia
and absolutely shouldn't worry about trying to look like one.

[But in the stated interest of not beating this dead horse,
I do hereby solemnly promise not to reply publicly to anyone
who responds to this post to point out how wrong they think I am
for stubbornly clinging to a fondness for spoiler warnings.]

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