[WikiEN-l] Using Wikipedia unlikely to result in collapse of knowledge

geni geniice at gmail.com
Tue Oct 7 21:38:42 UTC 2008

2008/10/7 Andrew Gray <shimgray at gmail.com>:
> "People can be misled by incomplete information as well as inaccurate
> information (cf. Frické and Fallis 2004, 240). Even if Wikipedia
> includes only accurate information, if its omissions tend to mislead
> people, it may not be a reliable information source ... Hence,
> important omissions should be flagged as well as inaccuracies."

1) Wikipedia is written to a large extent by the type of nerds who
like complete sets. Thus for example even stations so obscure that
they never actually got built get a mention:


We don't quite get as far as the stations that never actually existed
(the secret BBC one for example) but I'm sure we will in time.

2)The tag for important omissions is {{NPOV}}.


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