[WikiEN-l] Cade Metz on Mantanmoreland & Short selling

Philip Sandifer snowspinner at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 14:13:03 UTC 2008

On Oct 1, 2008, at 9:15 PM, WJhonson at aol.com wrote:

> Now what?  Evidently he isn't insane or a crack-pot too much  anymore.

Well, no. He's still hired people to work for his company with the  
sole purpose of having them publicly attack and slander his perceived  
enemies, including actively trying to infect their computers with  
viruses. He still claimed that a "sith lord" was orchestrating massive  
naked short selling campaigns to destroy his company.

Basically, he identified a means by which the market could  
theoretically be manipulated, and claimed that it was the reason his  
company was doing badly. Eventually the market as a whole did badly,  
and one component of that was possibly maybe the means he had  
identified, so the rules about that got tightened. He then declared  
victory and vindication.


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