Chris Howie cdhowie at gmail.com
Fri May 30 10:48:22 UTC 2008

On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 1:15 AM, Guettarda <guettarda at gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually White Cat has a point.  It's a blight on the mailing list - a list
> we all have to share.  Of course, so is quoting the whole digest, but that's
> a totally unrelated matter.
> I rarely see the point of most of the complaints that White Cat brings up
> here.  This, on the other hand, is a legitimate gripe.  It makes for almost
> unreadable postings.  Maybe it's unavoidable.  But it's certainly a
> legitimate gripe.

I would agree to some extent.  Did you PGP/GPG users out there (I am
one, I just don't sign much anymore) realize that a
properly-configured client can send the signature as an attachment and
not inline?  Look at Kwan Ting Chan's message, for example.  It looks
much cleaner and is just as verifiable.

Chris Howie

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