[WikiEN-l] Bot policy for all wikis

Andrew Gray shimgray at gmail.com
Wed May 28 09:07:58 UTC 2008

2008/5/28 White Cat <wikipedia.kawaii.neko at gmail.com>:
> We should require interwiki bot operators to
> Know each language they operate their bot so that they can read and memorize
> each and every bot policy.
> Expect them to watch and follow each and every talk page on every wiki.
> Require them to have 5-10 checks of these talk pages per day.
> Wait several years (for the wiki to grow) before getting a bot flag.
> Or would that be unreasonable?

...this does sound like a set of criteria that would guarantee we have
no bots whatsoever.

(Memorise? Ahahahahah.)

- Andrew Gray
 andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk

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