[WikiEN-l] Armenian Genocide

Christiano Moreschi moreschiwikiman at hotmail.co.uk
Mon Mar 31 20:27:53 UTC 2008

Aye. The Armenian Genocide really is universally acknowledged as such, with the exception of the Turkish government (who get a lot of stick for this), and maybe a few Azeris. Turkish POV-pushers on this set of articles are a lot more trouble than they're worth, and we get a depressingly large number of them in a fairly steady stream.


Odi profanum vulgus et arceo.

> Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 10:10:34 -0400
> From: wilydoppelganger at gmail.com
> To: wikien-l at lists.wikimedia.org
> Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Armenian Genocide
> On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 9:05 AM, Steve Summit <scs at eskimo.com> wrote:
> >  1. It is editable.  (However, you need to be a registered user.)
> >
> >  2. I fear I'll regret saying this, but: he's right.  Other than
> >    knowing it's among Wikipedia's most highly-contested articles,
> >    I'd never paid much attention to it.  Skimming it now, however,
> >    I see that the opposing POV is given *very* short shrift.
> >    There isn't even a "Controversy" section.  The only place I
> >    can find mention of the opposing POV is in the "Republic of
> >    Turkey and the Armenian Genocide" section, and even there,
> >    most of the text consists of fairly blunt denial of the
> >    non-genocide claim.
> >
> >
> This "point" really needs refuted several times over.  This is not a
> "two sided" issue, this is a "one sided" issue with an extreme
> minority opposition (roughly "Official Turkish Position").
> Make no mistake - the Armenian Genocide happened, and (at least
> roughly) it happened the way we describe it.  Contemporary sources (of
> which there are many) report it this way, modern sources describe it
> this way.  Although one is normally loath to compare things to the
> Holocaust, the comparison is apt - a genocide of similar proportions
> (~1.5 million killed), very limited denial, no credible scholars
> engaging in the denial, et cetera.  Undue Weight isn't Equal Weight,
> and Armenian Genocide is one that always needs eyes, because the POV
> pushing is much worse than articles where it doesn't matter so much
> (like whether Norwegians invented paperclips).
> If you're interested in denial of the Armenian Genocide, we have a
> fairly decent article on the subject
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial_of_the_Armenian_Genocide
> If you're interested in why we only present the "Armenain" point of
> view, maybe see
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recognition_of_the_Armenian_Genocide
> maybe focussing on
> "Several international organizations, conducting studies of the
> events, have determined that the term "genocide" aptly describes "the
> Ottoman massacre of Armenians in 1915–1916."[1] Among the
> organizations asserting this conclusion are the International Center
> for Transitional Justice, the International Association of Genocide
> Scholars,[2] and the United Nations' Sub-Commission on Prevention of
> Discrimination and Protection of Minorities.[1][3]
> In 2007, The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity produced a letter
> signed by 53 Nobel Laureates re-affirming the Genocide Scholars'
> conclusion that the 1915 killings of Armenians constituted genocide."
> Cheers
> WilyD
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