[WikiEN-l] Reputation: false or true god?

Kurt Maxwell Weber kmw at armory.com
Sun Mar 9 22:54:10 UTC 2008

On Sunday 09 March 2008 08:09, The Mangoe wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 3:28 AM, Ray Saintonge <saintonge at telus.net> wrote:
> >  Reputation is a false God that I have no intention of worshipping.  Most
> >  of it is an excuse for POV pushing.
> BIG objection here. Reputation is our reliability; if we aren't in
> some sense reliable, our work has no reason for existence.

Sure it does: namely, the fact that it's fun to create and work on!  Working 
on Wikipedia is an end in itself.

Kurt Weber
<kmw at armory.com>

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