[WikiEN-l] The Economist on "notability"

Kurt Maxwell Weber kmw at armory.com
Sun Mar 9 01:21:38 UTC 2008

On Friday 07 March 2008 20:35, Ian Woollard wrote:

> Probably not. The thing is the wikipedia gets to be the top of google
> searches because it's generally fairly reliable. Likewise high up in
> the web rankings. If we start allowing less obviously notable things
> in, then the average quality can only go down, and eventually that
> will get reflected in how people treat us.

Even if I grant your point (which I don't, because I fail to see how adding 
factual information REDUCES quality...that's about the most absurd thing I've 
ever heard), I still fail to see how it's relevant.

Kurt Weber
<kmw at armory.com>

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