[WikiEN-l] CAS Discourages Using SciFinder to Help Curate Wikipedia

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Sat Mar 8 17:26:37 UTC 2008

On 08/03/2008, Philip Sandifer <snowspinner at gmail.com> wrote:

> And apparently the CAS database is staffed with PhDs these days, so
>  it's not a trivial undertaking. There are reasons for the cost of
>  access.
>  This may be a case of "don't shit where you eat." We are, for the most
>  part, on the same side as ACS - we're all non-profit organizations
>  seeking to increase knowledge. We don't necessarily have a lot to gain
>  by using the CAS numbers and, in doing so, jeopardizing the
>  development of the CAS system.
>  If, in fact, we would. But it's a non-trivial consideration, and a
>  large part of why David's instinct that the nuclear option may not be
>  ideal is probably wise.

Indeed. Talking nicely is always a better start, particularly when you
do in fact have a big stick.

- d.

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