[WikiEN-l] Jimmy Wales in the news

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Wed Mar 5 20:11:15 UTC 2008

David Gerard wrote:
> On 05/03/2008, Marc Riddell <michaeldavid86 at comcast.net> wrote:
>> on 3/4/08 7:11 PM, David Gerard at dgerard at gmail.com wrote:
>>  > (Hey everyone! There's lots more stuff to write about! See the list at
>>  > the bottom of [[WP:WIP]] for ideas!)
>> Eager to change to subject, David? Now, why would that be?
> 'Cos it's a completely stupid thread, IMO, with exceedingly little
> relevance to writing an encyclopedia. I don't expect that will
> actually lessen contributions to it in any way, but I thought it was
> better to say so than not nevertheless.
Alas! Suggesting that a thread be killed (like feeding trolls) only 
encourages them into outrageously repetitive rhetoric.
> * Trying to add relevant and IMO interesting thread starters whenever
> I spot one (others are most welcomed).
I've noticed that from you.  And I take this opportunity to express my 
appreciation.  A few (very few) additional words about the topic might 
help to decide which ones I look at.  I am penitent in admitting that I 
do not look at all of them, but many that I do view are interesting.


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